罪 ⎯ 它到底是什么?




⎯ 罗马书五章12节










  • 你生活中有没有什么是你一直挣扎的,或许是习惯性的呢?
  • 你生活中有没有哪些冲动和情欲,无论你多努力,都无法除掉的呢?
  • 当你诚实回答这些问题后,还发现很难相信在你里面有个称为罪的权势在运作吗?





For an in–depth study of sin as a spiritual disease, consider reading the following resources:

  • Dr. Bill Gillham, “The Power of Sin” from the November 1988 issue of Discipleship Journal. (http://brotherheart.wordpress.com/articles-by-bill-gillham/the-power-of-sin-part-2/) Retrieved October 6, 2006.
  • John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. (http://divdl.library.yale.edu/dl/FullText.aspx?qc=Eikon&q=3154&qp=28) Retrieved October 6, 2006. “Declaring that all of us died in Adam, Paul at the same time plainly testifies that we are infected with the disease of sin.”
  • William Perkins, The Art of Prophesying (1592, repr. Banner of Truth Trust, 1996, 54–55). As quoted by R. Scott Clark (Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary California), Classical Covenant Theology – Part 1: On Law and Gospel. (http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins_prophesying.html) Retrieved August 27, 2015. “The law exposes the disease of sin, and as a side–effect, stimulates and stirs it up. But it provides no remedy for it. However the gospel not only teaches us what is to be done; it also has the power of the Holy Spirit joined to it.”
  • John Wesley, The Works of John Wesley, 14 Volumes, 5:449 (Peabody, Massachusetts, Hendrickson Publishing House, 1986). As quoted by Earl Robinson, Wesleyan Distinctives in Salvation Army Theology. (https://www.salvationist.org/extranet_main.nsf/vw_sublinks/8E93913570C2699B80256F16006D3C6F?openDocument). Retrieved October 5, 2006. “The preaching of the gospel, on the other hand, is the offer of a physician for the disease of sin. Wesley said: ‘It is absurd ...to offer a physician to those that are whole, or that at least imagine themselves to be. You are first to convince them that they are sick; otherwise they will not thank you for your labor.’”


1Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology (© Victor Books, a Division of Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois, 1988, p. 212). “Indeed, it might be a good idea to define it [sin] thus: sin is missing the mark, badness, rebellion, iniquity, going astray, wickedness, wandering, ungodliness, crime, lawlessness, transgression, ignorance, and a falling away.”
2Billy Graham, “When Having It All Isn’t Enough” from the June 2004 issue of Decision magazine. Retrieved October 5, 2006.
