耶和华 神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇对女人说:“ 神岂是真说,不许你们吃园中所有树上的果子么?” 女人对蛇说:“园中树上的果子我们可以吃,惟有园当中那棵树上的果子,神曾说:‘你们不可吃,也不可摸,免得你们死。’” 蛇对女人说:“你们不一定死,因为 神知道,你们吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你们便如 神能知道善恶。”
⎯ 创世记三章1-5节
其 次 , 让 我 们 思 考 撒 旦 以 什 么 方 式 呈 现 它 自己 。 创 世 记 这 段 经 文 中 的 “ 蛇 ” , 希 伯 来 原 文 是“nachash”1,直译是“光明之物”。以西结书二十八章12到18节描述撒旦极其美丽,哥林多后书十一章14节说:“撒但也装作光明的天使”。从这些经节我们知道,邪恶显然并不总以邪恶的面貌出现。
- 你能想起你生活中的某些人,东西或情况,第一次见到它们时是一个样子,可是当你比较认识它们后,却是另一幅脸孔吗?这能帮助你了解今天所谈的问题吗?
- 在第二课我们看到一节圣经节说:“有一条路人以为正,至终成为死亡之路”(箴言十四章12节)。当你必须选择一条路时,怎么知道它是神的路,还是“美丽的”死亡之路呢?
也许你还记得第十四课说过:“若想知道你人生的目的,就要从认识那位赐给你目的的神开始。” 我们若以个人和亲密的方式认识神,就能认识神的道路。
- Ray C. Stedman, “The Enticement of Eve” from his series Understanding Man (Message No. 4, Catalog No. 314, January 28, 1968). (http://www.ldolphin.org/RCSgenesis/0314.html). Retrieved October 4, 2006
1John MacArthur, Satan: What Is He Like? Part 2. (© 1997, Grace to You). (http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/1355/satan-what-is-he-like). Retrieved October 4, 2006. “He [Satan] appears as an angel of light. Most interesting, nachash was the Hebrew word that was used to speak of him as a serpent. That word really has two meanings; to hiss or whisper, and it also means to shine. He is the hissing, shining one.”
2D. Miall Edwards, Iniquity. (© Bible.org, 2005). (http://net.bible.org/dictionary.php?word=Iniquity). Retrieved October 4, 2006.
3Gary H. Strauss, The Real Thing. (© Questia Media America Inc., 2006). (http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&se=gglsc&d=5002480464&er=deny). Retrieved November 20, 2006. “It is commonly understood that when currency agents are trained to recognize counterfeit bills, they do not spend time examining and becoming familiar with the vast array of the best samples of the counterfeiter’s art. Rather, they spend many hours developing an intimate acquaintanceship with “the real thing,” to quote a familiar advertising phrase. Literally, every “jot and tittle” are scrupulously examined and pored over to the point that agents develop an indelible and finely detailed mental image of both sides of the various bills that make up the U.S. Treasury issue. Having developed such a thorough knowledge of even the most minute details, they are prepared to spot the incredibly subtle variations from the standard of perfection, “the real thing.” No aspect of these bills is ignored. Thus, when these agents encounter a counterfeit bill, a careful examination can typically result in the ready identification of the fake item, even though its degree of match with the real might be so close that most who regularly use these bills would never suspect the truth.”